Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday  9-22-14

The  day  has  come to an  end. I have  hibernated  most of  the day.
Feeding  my soul with what it  needed - peace  and quiet and
seeking  answers  on the internet  for many things  I am looking into
I have had  the urge  to attend the Jewish High holidays  here and much  to my  dismay
have found that  tickets  for  nonmembers can run upwards of  $250 here.
After  about  2  hrs  of  searching and phone  calls, I have  found  some  loopholes
and have  two  reform  Jewish temples  I can choose  to attend.
The  need to honor  familiar  traditions has  gripped  my soul  even
though this  is not  where  nor  how  my daily  spiritual needs   get  met.
I am  relieved  and grateful that  my persistence  and patience has  paid  off.
It  will be  good  to reconnect with my past  this  way and to see  what
this Jewish  community has to  offer.  I have always  loved  Jewish  music
and attending the services part  seems  to be  the  best  way in which I can
honor my father  who was a  regular  participant at services in his  temple.
So  this high  holiday  will be  the first  one in many years  that I will attend.
L'Shana Tova, or  happy  new year to all who celebrate this sacred time.

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